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Why this Pandemic leads us to a Motivation Paralysis ?

 Why this Pandemic leading us to a Motivation Paralysis ?

 Hello and Welcome to AK Words. In this 21st century and especially in 2019-2021 many people are striving to be motivated all time but for some reasons they didn't get their support. It's ok, we as a Rent Mitro will give all support and hands to you. 

Motivation paralysis is nothing but, When you're motivated to get up and get things done but you feel overwhelmed with having to choose where to start. After spending some time planning things out, you find yourself sitting around not really accomplishing anything. We all felt this once till now. I again say that, it's ok. 

How we can overcome motivation paralysis ? is a serious of discussions happening all over the world by famous and popular psychologists. They come up with the set of solutions but none doesn't longs for longtime. They tell us solutions just for short span of time. But the main reason, why motivation paralysis is happening to us is, the lack of awareness over ourselves, lack of aim in our life and lack of definition of our life. Now we are going to see these things in single go.  

Lack of awareness over ourselves; 

Do you know that, you are unique and beautiful than anyone and also you achieved success than the babies who died in womb and you are great than people who have disabilities. Once you know what you have than others, then you can encounter motivation paralysis. 

Lack of aim in our life; 

Many people drive their life without knowing the way to where to go, what speed to go and what fuel to use. Way is nothing but aim and fuel is nothing but knowledge and speed is nothing but time duration. If you find these three, then you can win motivation paralysis.. 

 Definition of your life; 

Life is beautiful according to me, beautiful like roses but have thorns with it. We should smell the rose not the thorns. I'm not going to explain definition of life anymore because we are in the hands of life. If you are going to find these things in your life then none can demotivate you because you have a terrific motivation now. 

Thanks for reading.. 

Happy life,

AK words. 


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