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My way of life, as well as yours.

You are here to read my way of life. But it's notjnot my life, here you'll read your way of life also. 

As we born as a baby  we don't require any costly Mobile, food and other expenses. But after growing up, those requirements must involve in our life. This is a basic need and basic way to live a life 
   Live a life as you want.
As a teenager, we need persons, relations, friends. But after teen over then as a oldager, we only need health instead of all the needs mentioned.
  Life is only once, live your life and Enjoy your life.

Beautiful is not beautiful, when it becomes ugly.
New one is not new one, when another new one comes.
Happiness is only happiness, but if sadness comes it'll be a sadness.

Also the same, life is a life, only you get involved.
 You and me are just the human beings. You are reading this, I'm just thinking you, whether this writing attracts you or not. You have another thoughts, mean while I have another thoughts. When you are completing, you will go to other work, same that I  have another work.
But, your thoughts and my thoughts are filled and energized to get new knowledge. So only, you are here to read this.  

Yes, here we come to conclusion.
I found your way of life. This is your way. You are good to get knowledge. I appreciate you to here to hear my mind voice through this writing. Your way of life is beautiful  and greatful than others.
Happy journey in life.

If you like, share this link to your friends and comment your suggestions to improve my writing.


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