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Showing posts from February, 2021

Why this Pandemic leads us to a Motivation Paralysis ?

 Why this Pandemic leading us to a Motivation Paralysis ?  Hello and Welcome to AK Words. In this 21st century and especially in 2019-2021 many people are striving to be motivated all time but for some reasons they didn't get their support. It's ok, we as a Rent Mitro will give all support and hands to you.  Motivation paralysis is nothing but, When you're motivated to get up and get things done but you feel overwhelmed with having to choose where to start. After spending some time planning things out, you find yourself sitting around not really accomplishing anything. We all felt this once till now. I again say that, it's ok.  How we can overcome motivation paralysis ? is a serious of discussions happening all over the world by famous and popular psychologists. They come up with the set of solutions but none doesn't longs for longtime. They tell us solutions just for short span of time. But the main reason, why motivation paralysis is happening to us is, the lack o...