Hello and welcome to ak words, psychology matters most. I'm happy to write this because this topic is new for me to write as well as you to read. After reading this, you'll get knowledge about How you can improve yourself by investing your time and your silence to others? You'll be in a position to understand the benefits of others in your life. Many people especially in COVID Scenario feel more depressed due to the absence of loved ones and feel overwhelmed by stress due to their health condition or financial condition or loss of loved ones. I also know that, f o r few 2020 is good but for many people 2020 is the most worst year. Worst because of conditions mentioned above. But you can see that the root cause of all negative things is our relationship with others. That's the main thing which we all should understand. You can think that if you are with your loved one who knows you completely then there is no problem between you and your loved one. Yes, I think many...
Psychology is not only learning from books but it is something we have to learn more from people. You'll learn here as my experience from people.